Latest News
Well done to all students who took exams this term we had 100% Distinction and Merits so well done to all.
All England National Finals
Our Competition team had amazing success throughout the last season culminating in placing 2nd in the Inter Tap groups at the All England National Finals. This is an incredible achievement so well done to all involved.
In addition to this Ana’s lyrical solo and the Contemporary Trio were selected to represent the South East at the Finals and they danced incredibly well.
At the regional finals we had an amazing 30 dances qualify for the regionals this year, and the following amazing results:
Inter Tap Group 1st place
Senior Contemporary Trio 2nd place
Inter Modern Group 3rd Place
Junior Tap Group 3rd Place
E Lyrical solo (Ana) 3rd Place
E Contemporary Solo (Ana) Honours
But well done to everyone who danced it was an incredible week and we are so proud of you all!
This February saw all our dancers take to the stage in our whole school show “Musicals” it was an incredible celebration of everything we’ve achieved over the last 3 years.
Dates for your Diary
Competition Days
Halley Academy
10th September 11-5pm
Autumn Term
Saturday 17th September - Friday 9th September
Half Term Saturday 15th October - Friday 28th October
Exam Days 4th and 10th December
Spring Term